How can we improve communication with the families of Escola Concept (Salvador/BA)?

How can we improve communication with the families of Escola Concept (Salvador/BA)?


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Dan Loureiro Nascimento

Middle and High School Coordinator


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Julia Mitchell Landau

Lower School Coordinator


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Jordan Santos Mendes

EdTech Coordinator


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Nadja Nara Andrade Valente

Head of School


General topic of interest

Our genral topic is communication and how can we be clear and efficient. We are connected with this theme because we are searching for the best way to communicate with our parents.


Dan Loureiro, Jordan Mendes, Julia Landau and Nadja Valente

Literature Review

Our research is supported by the knowledge shared in the work of professors like Dr. Thomas Gusky, Dr. Damian Bebell, among others. Effective communication between schools and families plays a pivotal role in fostering a supportive educational environment. Surveys, as a valuable tool, can bridge this communication gap by eliciting feedback from both parties, informing educators and administrators of areas for improvement. This practice aligns with communication theories and literature emphasizing the importance of collaboration between educational institutions and families for the holistic development of students.

Data collecting approach

To collect data, we used the NPSs applied by the school, questionnaires sent to families and we held meetings to listen to research focus groups.

Data collection tools/resources

Our research team employed a survey with paretnts from Escola Concept SSA campus in 2023, to understand how they see our comunication and how can we improve it. We use spread surveys answers and small groups online interviews with parents who attend our call in different segments of the school.

Emerging results

Our results shows that as the same time as we need to increase the effectiveness of our communication. In parents perspective Toddle is helping us to let our academic data more clear, but we need to improve it more.


We think that the biggest take away that we can share is that listen to the end user, be cinnected to our community is the best tool to share our practices and have great feedback from them. Connecting the four spheres of our school community, we can develop the best ans most efficnet learning environment for students and teachers, and the best way to make the parents feel part of it, understanding it in the best way.

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