Investigating natural and non-structured materials as creative resources in the Arts room.

How do I keep wonderment alive in lower school Art lessons?


Conrado Krainer

Arts Teacher Lower School

São Paulo

General topic of interest

Investigate how nature and nonstructured materials can be used as source material to develop Art activities with children.


Conrado Krainer - Arts Teacher

Literature Review

- Land Art – A Cultural Ecology Handbook. Max Andrews - Art and Creativity in Reggio Emilia: Exploring the Role and Potential of Ateliers in Early Childhood Education. Vea Vecchi

Data collecting approach

1) Gather some work samples and interview students about their creations to understand or get a perception of how engaged they were during the Art proposals.

2) Exit tickets to understand their perception and opinion about the Art proposals with the natural materialities.

3) Pictures of their creations and vídeo observations of their interactions while they create and collaborate during group activities.

Data collection tools/resources

To conduct my research, I will need a Camera to take pictures of the Ss Artwork; I will need butcher paper and post-it notes to do Exit Ticket reflections with the children. I will also need their Art work as artifacts or evidence of their creative process and engagement during the Art proposals.

Emerging results

I noticed that children were much more willing to create, imagine and innovate when playing and working with nonstructured materials. Being around and involved in proposals with these materials seemed to trigger children’s creativity and imagination.

I noticed from the students:
Better collective work interactions


By being exposed to a specific type of material that challenges students to think, such as these, students tend to be more inquisitive and imaginative. They show more curiosity and disposition toward wonderment and awe.

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