The expectations regarding “Meaningful Learning” in our community.

What are the differences in expectation regarding "Meaningful Learning" in our Grade 6 community from Concept RAO?


Enzo Brena

Middle School Educator

Cecília Verri

Middle School Spanish Educator

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General topic of interest

Parent, Student and Educador happiness, fulfillment, sense of belonging. Comunity cohesiveness and expectations regarding learning.


Grade 6 students, MS Educators, Educational Leadership and Grade 6 families.

Data collecting approach

With students: written production collected through a Spanish Writing activity on "Mi Escula Ideal" (My Ideal School) for an UNESCO project; With Parents, Leadership and Educators via Google Form with both quantitave and qualitative question regarding the topic.

Data collecting example

Students: "Mi Escuela Ideal" (My Ideal School) ; Educators - Forms; Parents - Forms; Leadership - Forms.

Emerging results

The results collected so far indicate a dissonance in the expectation regarding "Meaningful Learning" for the different stakeholders of our comunity, however, it is worth it to point out that a research on these topics needsboth deeper methodological and statistical rigour.


The data collected pointed at a possible dissonance in expectation regarding student learning and the role of families, leadership and educators in the educational processes, although it still points at somewhat high satisfaction rate in all stakeholders, it appears that the different expectations in our educational community might foster insecurity and dissatisfaction in our school. However a research on satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment and overall school environment requires a deeper and more rigorous exploration on both this data (especially with a more rigorous statistical analysis) and the development of other more comprehensive and timely researches.

Next steps

We plan on expanding the current data by creating other forms of gathering info in our community and to expand the research into understanding the effects such likely dissonance has in our community's satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment and cohesiveness

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