Time Management and the use of Toddle as a platform to inform assessment

How can Lower School educators improve time management in order to accomplish assessments related to Toddle efficiently?


Juliana Chanan

Reference Educator in Lower School

São Paulo

Maria Eugênia Carvalho

Reference Educator in Lower School

São Paulo

General topic of interest

How long do educators take to complete each assessment task?
How could educators improve time management in order to complete all the tasks?
Will this new platform (Toddle) help educators to be more efficient?
What is the best way to integrate the platform to enhance time management?
Will this platform replace other assessment-related tools and tasks?


Lower School educators have the challenge to finish the literacy process and have learners be more formal in terms of academic productions, specially reading and writing both in English and Portuguese. This way, these educators have to give parents enough visibility of the learning process that occurs in school and educate parents in terms of summative assessment.

Literature Review

Toddle is a collaboration platform for PYP teachers, designed by PYP teachers. Toddle seamlessly integrates curriculum planning, evidence collection, student portfolios, reporting, and parent communication - all from one interface.
The 8 Forces that Shape Group Culture - Cultural Forces
Time |tīm| noun: The “containers,” consisting of measurable periods, that we allocate, assign or use to accomplish tasks of our choosing. As a
culture shaper, all of these conceptions of time are in play. Our allocations of periods of time reflect our values. Our sequencing of events,
construction of moments, and reflections on actions allows us to scaffold and draw a connecting thread through learning occasions to create a
unity. Finally, our ability to generate, sustain, and capitalize on periods of total engagement allows us to create the energy needed for learning
and thinking

Data collecting approach

We'll use pre-surveys to learn what Lower School educators anticipate from Toddle and to get their feedback on how the platform should be used @ São Paulo campus.

Data collection tools/resources

Our research team will conduct two surveys: one to assess Lower School educators' early impressions of Toddle and another to gather their thoughts for how the new platform should be used to enhance time management.

Emerging results

Teachers are worried but hopeful to have Toddle as an easier way to assess and communicate learning with families.
They mention several concerns in starting using this tool: the initial increase of workload in the end of the year with events happening at the same time, parents not accessing Toddle, having to learn how to use a new tool and dealing with its bugs and adaptations.


Our initial plan was to examine what educators thought of Toddle as a platform for assessing learners. However, because we've delayed off using the platform, we've done some research to find out how people think it should be used to enhance time management.
We have gathered some feedback and expectations from educators on how the platform may make it simpler for them to evaluate students . In general, educators have many demands to deal with and it doesn't influence their mental state. Lower School educators are cautious and thoughtful about the new platform but have great hopes and expect to dimish their usual workload. They mention several concerns in starting using this tool: the initial increase of workload in the end of the year with events happening at the same time, parents not accessing Toddle, having to learn how to use a new tool and dealing with its bugs and adaptations. In educator's opinion, Toddle must substitute currently used tools (e.g. The Researcher weekly newsletter)
Our plan is to stick with that topic for the next year because we were unable to complete our second research, just so we can hear what educators have to say about the platform's implementation and formative assessment. Educators observations are relevant data for the school's leadership in order to have this transition smoother and effective for all stakeholders envolved.

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