Supporting Teachers as Researchers

Welcome to the Escola Concept STAR Program

Navigate in the research developed by our Lower School educators and support by our special consultants Damian Bebell, Kathleen Ferenz, Holly Ludgate, and Alan Amtzis

Researches | Ribeirão Preto | 2023

One school, three campuses: how can the teaching and learning coaches’ mentorship and alignment positively impact the school’s culture?

How can the teaching and learning coaches' mentorship and alignment positively impact the school's culture?

Early Years High School Lower School Middle School Ribeirão Preto Salvador São Paulo

Remedial work and the incentive problem – An attempt to reach underachieving students

How to use Khan Academy as a tool for remedial work for students on vacation? - Remedial Work - Definition: An activity or set of activities designed to help underachieving students learn what they could not during the regular school period and provide them with a chance to increase their scores in that quarter. Here in Brazil this is known as 'Recuperação'.

High School Middle School Ribeirão Preto

Shedding Light on Learning: The role of documentation in clarifying Early Years Education Processes.

How can the documentation process bring clarity to learning in Early Years?

Early Years Ribeirão Preto

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