Supporting Teachers as Researchers

Researches | Middle School | 2020

Bringing the lessons learned in the Virtual Learning Environment to campus

What elements from the Virtual Learning class structure should be kept back to campus? - How should classes be organized? - How long should each step last?

Middle School São Paulo

Diggin´ the reading – using VTRs to deepen understanding.

Do understanding maps help students deepen their productions in readers workshop?

Lower School Middle School Ribeirão Preto

Feedback on Math activities

How do students deal with different experiences of feedback on math activities?

Middle School Ribeirão Preto

Fostering student engagement and remote learning in Art class during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How can I engage MS students in Art lessons taking into account the online learning environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?

Middle School São Paulo

Geography within Social Studies

How can the major social sciences (Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology) be approached in depth in Social studies classes, valuing the humanities and its individualities in our context?

Middle School São Paulo

Guidance impact on quality research.

How do educators' guidance impact the quality of learners' research?

Middle School São Paulo

How does Body & Movement help in development of social skills in Middle School Learners?

How do we foster social ability skills using self assessments in the Body & Movement context?

Middle School Ribeirão Preto Salvador São Paulo

Impacts of the 360 degree assessment in grade 8 students’ willingness to strive for accuracy while working in a group.

How does making a 360 degree assessment (Teacher's-Assessment, Self-Assessment, Peers-Assessment from 3 other learners from the same group) impact on learners' effort to strive for accuracy during a project in Grade 8?

Middle School São Paulo

Language fluency as a tool to open students’ learning horizons

How language can be used by students as a tool to approach to the learning object?

Lower School Middle School Ribeirão Preto

Solving problems with Critical Thinking Skills

Which critical thinking skills are MS students using to solve problems?

Middle School Ribeirão Preto

The expectations regarding “Meaningful Learning” in our community.

What are the differences in expectation regarding "Meaningful Learning" in our Grade 6 community from Concept RAO?

Middle School Ribeirão Preto

The importance of our virtual village for the social-emotional reception of learners during social isolation

How important was the Guidance Counselor support to the learners during the pandemic?

Lower School Middle School Ribeirão Preto Salvador São Paulo

The perception of vocabulary knowledge in writing

To what extent does the Grade 6 student's perceived range of vocabulary skills relate to their outcome in writing activities in English?

Middle School Salvador São Paulo

What is the impact of developing personal vs group projects on the 4th and 7th graders’ enthusiasm?

What is the impact of developing personal vs group projects on the 4th and 7th graders’ enthusiasm?

Lower School Middle School Ribeirão Preto Salvador

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