Supporting Teachers as Researchers

Researches | Early Years | 2020

Clay exploration

How does the constant interaction with the same material brings opportunities for the development of different languages?

Early Years Ribeirão Preto

Fostering children’s creativity

How can we foster children's creativity during play?

Early Years Ribeirão Preto

How can the environment stimulate my personal development and how does it encourage me to interact with others?

Why is the environment important for children's learning? How can we make the environment attractive and stimulating for students?

Early Years Ribeirão Preto

How does the Reggio Emilia approach impact student learning ?

How to respect and encourage students´conceptions of literacy through their spontaneous writing in the classroom?

Early Years Salvador

How were the interactions with myself, the others, and the surroundings established upon the return to campus?

What changed in the way I can interact with my surroundings? How can I safely engage with my peers within this new scenario? How do Pre-K3 children play?

Early Years São Paulo

Investigating the influence of the environment on the development of independence and creative making in Pre-k 3 students in distance learning
Investigando a influência do ambiente no desenvolvimento da independência e do fazer criativo nos estudantes do Pre-k 3 no ensino à distância

How does the environment promote independence and creative making in the students, while distance learning? Como o ambiente propicia a independência e o fazer criativo no processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes à distância?

Early Years Salvador

One material, three environments and various possibilities

How do different environments influence in playing?

Early Years São Paulo

The “Third Educator” and creating inspired learning spaces.

How can the intentionality behind the organization of spaces be visible to children?

Early Years São Paulo

The Environment as the Third Educator: What is the Importance of Seating Arrangements in a Learning Space?

How does the seating arrangement influence learners' interactions and relationships?

Early Years São Paulo

What does the contact with different materialities tell us about the child’s research path?

What does the contact with different materialities tell us about the child's research path?

Early Years São Paulo

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